Todo List App
Todo List App built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript ES6 Modules, Webpack and Web Storage API
About Me
Who am I?
Hi! I am Mike. A London-based Frontend Developer, who loves to build responsive sites and apps. I am Frontend focused but also flexible and open to other positions that may better fit my qualifications.
HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript ES6, JQuery, JSON, Webpack, Java, Python and Git
I recently graduated with a BSc (Hons) Degree in Computer Science, studying at the University of Portsmouth
Personal Portfolio [Coming Soon]
One of my goals in the next few weeks is to build my own fleshed-out Personal Portfolio, to better showcase my skills 💻
What am I up to?
I'm currently doing TheOdinProject, working on more exciting projects to display here. Click here to check them out! 😄